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what is a logo?

how to discuss your idea with an artist

If you plan on starting a business, a logo is essential, which means you may be searching for a graphic designer... but how do you even begin explaining your fantastic vision to an artist? Well, in this article we'll go over what a logo is, what it should do for your company, how it's created, and how to communicate your needs with our team. A common misconception amongst clients seeking graphic design services is that a logo is a graphic. However, a common saying among artists is all logos are graphics, but not all graphics are logos. Lets find out why that is!



A logo is a symbol that represents a brand. When you think of a logo, think of a symbol or an icon. The defining factor between a graphic design and a logo design is; logos are designed to be as simple as possible with minimal design elements, while graphics are designed with multiple design elements and complex layers. The main reason logo's are created with simplicity in mind is because simple designs are versatile, memorable, and scalable. When a logo design is simple it is easy to recognize, it also allows a brand to print and upload to a broad range of mediums, especially small scale items like; pens, business cards, social media profiles, shirt tags, and so on. However, when a logo design is complex or poorly designed, it can become difficult to identify when resized. Having a simple logo is also wildly beneficial when it comes to effective printing costs and results.

what a logo is

what a great logo should do

  • Be simple

  • Be easily recognizable

  • Be easy to read

  • Be scalable

  • Relate to your audience

  • Look good in black

  • Identify your brand

  • Be relevant

  • Be unique

  • Have minimal elements

  • Look great on small prints

  • Be memorable

  • Be timeless

  • Be versatile

  • Create an emotion

different kinds of logos

Logos are primarily divided into two main categories; image based or text based. From here, they branch off into a broad range of logo subcategories, which can be very useful knowledge when shopping for the perfect logo to represent your brand identity.

When it comes to logos, each style has it's own pros and cons list a brand should consider before committing. Some logos are just words, some logos are just images, some logos are both. Certain logos work well for certain brands, in regards to their services, reputation, products, values and target audience.

pictoral logos

Use real world imagery to explain what your company does or represents.

EX: The outline of a bird or a shopping cart.

abstract logos

Use non-realistic, conceptual imagery and geometry to identify your brand.

EX: A shape that represents a sound using a wavy pattern

mascot logos

Use a character or personified object as a spokesperson for your company.

EX: A personified lizard, a chef or a horse in a suit.

combination logos

Combine images and text into one logo.

EX: A symbol of a phone with the words Quick Talk written below it.

emblem logos

Use text within the border of a symbol, most commonly a badge or crest.

EX: A decorative shield with a lion and text reading SVG.

Dynamic logos

Use both text and imagery, but alter simple elements for web and print adaptability.

EX: The word Buzz written in the same type face, but within different shapes and colors

wordmark logos

Use the name of your business in a specific typeface or font.

EX: The word BLOCKSTOPPER written in all caps block letters.

monogram logos

Use an abbreviation of your business name in a specific typeface or font.

EX: Jenny Cakes uses a decorative JC to represent their brand. 

letterform logos

Use one letter from your company name to create a shape or image.

EX: Turning an E into an exclamation mark, to symbolize excitement.

How a logo is created

Logos are created by first understanding the characteristics that define the soul of a brand. Once the brand's identity is established, the information collected is interpreted by an artist and transformed into a symbol that represents a brand, in a way that is relevant and appealing to the brand's target audience. Our team offers complimentary briefings to all of our clients, and advanced research and innovation phases for growing brands. Once the research phase is complete, our clients are presented with exploratory vision boards, uniquely catered to their brand. Upon viewing the vision board, our clients are encouraged to collaborate and critique the presentation until the final logo is presented. Once the proof is confirmed, the package is zipped up and emailed through the skies and the stars, to a satellite, and all the way back down to the clients inbox. Just like magic.

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